Additional Background Information

1.) Click on Background Verification.



2.) Use the Search field and Person Type filters to find the person you are seeking. Choose Generate Report to download a summary file for all class participants and leaders.



3.) Click on Previous Background Checks to see a list of previous background checks for an individual.



4.) Click on Missing Information to see and update a profile with missing information required to initiate a background check. Complete the missing information, then click Save.



5.) Click on Initiate Background Check to start the process for completing a background check. The participant/leader will receive an email to complete the information for the background check. Fisher will show which participants have had a background check initiated.



6.) Fisher will show when a current background check has been Approved and Completed or click Contact MSC.



7.) CONTACT MSC – Once you click on Contact MSC, please complete the following form and hit Send.

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