Below are a few tips and best practices for joining online meetings.
1. When using Zoom, launch the meeting in the Zoom app rather than in the web browser.
You will need to have Zoom and your lesson notes open at the same time during your meeting. For tips on how you can do this, click here.
2. Test Sound and Lighting.
Check your microphone and speakers to ensure you can hear and be heard.
A well-lit room is preferred over dark and shadowy.
3. Mind your background.
Ceiling fans, background movement, and sounds may cause distraction and lower video/sound quality and increase bandwidth needs.
Turn off the radio/TV, close doors, windows, and shades when possible.
4. Silence Desktop Notifications.
Close Email programs and other applications that may cause distractions or sounds during your meeting.
5. Zoom Support.
For issues related to Zoom specifically, Zoom has a support website with helpful information and troubleshooting steps. To go to Zoom’s Support website, click here.