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  5. Register Online – Class Website

Register Online – Class Website

1.) Visit your class website or find a class at Find a Class – United States or Find a Class – Canada

2.) Search for the class by entering the City & State OR Zip Code.

3.) Click Register to register for the class.

4.) Enter your email address. Then, click Next. (**NOTE: For Student/Teen classes: Start registration with guardian’s email/info. Then, add child – See Step 7.)



5.) An email will be sent to verify your identity. Please follow the instructions in your email to continue the registration process.



6.) Click Register in the email.



7.) Click Edit Information to update your contact and personal information.



8.) Click Add Child to add information for a new child attending with you.



Complete the child’s information, then click Add Child.



9.) Uncheck check boxes next to children that will not be attending for the selected year.




10.) Click Edit information to update the child’s information.



11.) Click Register to submit the form to the class.


Select if you would like to go paperless and complete your study questions online.


Click the check box next to I Accept to give permission to have your information stored by CBS. If you do not accept, all data you have entered will be deleted from our system and your registration will be withdrawn.


Photo permission opt-out. Please read the following and select if you DO NOT give permission to be photographed and/or video recorded. Then, click Next step.




12.) If applicable, complete any additional Survey Questions, then click Complete Registration.

Note: You will receive an email with instructions with any next steps.



Select How did you year about us. Then, click Next Step.


** If your class has a one-step registration turned on, you may be taken

to a screen to pay for your online registration now.



13.) You are now on the Wait List for the class. If you are added to the class, you will be sent an email with payment instructions.


14.) To download and print your completed Registration Forms, click Optional Download Registration Forms for Personal Records.



15.) Click Back to the Registration to view your registration status for the class.

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