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  5. Uploading YouTube Videos to Lessons

Uploading YouTube Videos to Lessons

Some classes choose to record video of their class sessions to allow class members to review materials at a later time. Use the following directions to upload videos to YouTube for private viewing.


** NOTE: Only upload video that contains images of the class leader/presenter. Video should not be uploaded that contains class members without their express written consent. If you need to create a youtube account see Create an account on YouTube for information on how to set up a YouTube account. Be sure to create a YouTube account (which is transferrable) rather and a YouTube Channel (which is public and non-transferrable).


1.) Log in to your YouTube account at https://www.youtube.com/. Click on Sign in.



2.) Enter the email address for your YouTube account. Press Next. Enter your password. Click Next.



3.) Click on the +video icon to upload a class teaching video.



4.) Click Upload Video.



5.) You can drag-and-drop your file OR click SELECT FILE to browser for a file to upload. To drag-and drop, find the file on your computer, click down and drag it to the YouTube window.



6.) The selected file will begin uploading to YouTube. The status bar will update as the upload progresses. Update the Title as needed. Then, click NEXT.



7.) Click the button to select No, it’s not made for kids. Then, click NEXT.



8.) Click NEXT.



9.) Click UNLISTED. Then, click SAVEThis step is important to ensure privacy of each teaching session, attempting to limit access to class Members only.



10.) Click the COPY Icon to copy the link for the video.



11.) In FISHER go to Lessons.



12.) Click Upload Lesson Files.



13.) Choose the lesson you want to add the YouTube video to.



14.) Click on the “Add Video Link” tab.



15.) Paste your YouTube link and click “Add”.

* In the case of supporting a remote core group, you can simply email the link to the Core Leader.


Important Note: YouTube does not support offline viewing, so this method will require a live internet connection to show the video.

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